Lab News

July 22, 2024

The Crofts’ lab is thrilled to announce our upcoming move to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where we will join the Animal Sciences Department! We will be recruiting graduate students and undergraduate researchers, keep an eye on this space for more!

June 13-17, 2024

Dr. Crofts, and lab managers Ezzy and Elizabeth attended the ASM Microbe 2024 Conference in Atlanta, GA!

Ezzy and Weitao, from Northwestern University, presented their posters for their collaborative research on BarTa assembly!

Elizabeth presented her research on colistin resistance in the goose fecal microbiome!

April 19, 2024

The Crofts lab celebrate the end of the semester with lab lunch at Momo's!

April 3, 2024

Undergraduate researchers in the Crofts lab, Maryanne Armstrong, Celine Yacoub, and Sophia Vizoso presented their research at the 24th annual Florida State University Undergraduate Research Symposium! Their research focuses on identifying novel antibiotic resistance genes within E. coli.

Maryanne presented her research on Erythromycin resistance!

Celine presented her research on Clindamycin resistance!

Sophia presented her research on Tiamulin resistance!

February 18, 2024

Sophia Vizoso, undergraduate student in the Crofts lab, presented her poster "Hunting for Tiaumulin Resistance" at the 2024 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) hosted by the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, FL! Great work Sophia!

February 2, 2024

Elizabeth started her position as Lab Manager in the Crofts lab!

November 5, 2023

Elizabeth Bernate, undergraduate student in the Crofts lab, won second place in the Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation at the SEB-ASM conference at Auburn University! Way to go Elizabeth!

October 3, 2023

The Crofts Lab welcomes their new UROP students, Maryanne and Celine! Welcome to the lab you two!

July 26, 2023

The Crofts lab welcomes their new lab manager, Hayden!

May 5, 2023

The Crofts lab (Terence, Elizabeth, and Ezzy) celebrate the end of the semester with lab lunch!

April 6, 2023

Elizabeth and Sophia presented the culmination of 6 months of research in the Crofts' microbiology lab at the 23rd annual Florida State University Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Pictured Left: Elizabeth has been studying genes from the goose gut microbiome that confer resistance to the medically vital antibiotic colistin. She found several new genes that allow E. coli to become resistant to high levels of this antibiotic and their presence in the goose gut microbiome has important implications for colistin use in agriculture and medicine and the potential for resistance genes to be spread.

Pictured Right: Sophia's project focuses on the antibiotic tiamulin. While not normally susceptible to it, E. coli can be made vulnerable through the use of efflux pump inhibitors, allowing Sophia to use this bacterium to study novel tiamulin resistance genes from the environment.